How to keep on top of your email with folders and autofilters

As a business owner, your time is the most valuable resource you have but it can be hard staying on top of everything. Especially, when you have hundreds of emails from clients, suppliers and team members… not to mention the all important industry newsletters to help you with your digital marketing!

At Armoury 6 we are digital marketing and productivity geeks. We’re all about hacks that make it easier to automate and stay organised. Part of being organised is being able to drill down and focus on the most important thing at any time. As a business owner, we highly recommend you get in the habit of adopting hacks or tools that can save your time.

To help you keep on top of your email, here are a couple simple but incredibly useful little tricks we use to manage our email…

Use labels/ folders to make emails easy to find

Creating folders or labels (as Gmail calls them) allows you to group related emails, so you can easily find what you are looking for quickly. For example you might have a folder for each client or newsletter you subscribe to.

Here’s a quick video to show you how to set them up in Gmail…

Automatically adding emails to folders

Now that you have the folders you need, you need to make sure that you have the relevant emails, in folders so you actually make use of them.

We understand that going though each email you have received is a tedious process, so here is how you can automatically add labels to your emails as they come in…

Now you are set, you’re organised and can stay focused.

If you found this useful, please share it with your team or other business owners to make sure they can keep on top of all your emails!

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